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Новости Гильдии за 2 квартал 2021, English version

On April 19-20, an international Scientific and practical symposium «Aiming at Marketing: Education, Science, Business» was held in St. Petersburg on April 19-21. 


Decisions 0f the conference:

1. The achieved goal of the conference is to exchange modern results on the formation and development of domestic marketing as a philosophy and tools of civilized entrepreneurship.

2. It is an urgent need for the economy and security of the country to continue fundamental and applied research of marketing as a science and the basis for training and educating professional personnel for a market economy.

3. In demand is the continuation of the activities of the NP «Guild of Marketers» for the dissemination, development and support of domestic marketing through competitions, conferences on the search for leaders and talents, forums for young people in order to exchange the experience of specialists from universities, science and business.

4.Was considered relevant — to recommend to the leadership of a public organization — the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, to organize and conduct an online survey of the public of universities, RAS, business structures about the need to include Marketing in the Nomenclature of scientific occupations.  Passport of the specialty «Marketing» is to be complied for certification of the results of scientific research performed by graduate students and doctoral students in the field of science and practical marketing.

5. It is necessary to constantly monitor the marketing activities of organizations, taking into account the rational, sound use of natural resources and compliance with anthropogenic processes, which will enable a balance of interests in the interaction of man and nature.


On April 26, the General Annual Meeting of the NP «Guild of Marketers» was held.


Meeting decisions:

* recognized the economic activity of NP «Guild of Marketers» in 2020 as satisfactory;

* elected to the Audit Commission of the NP «Guild of Marketers» the following persons: Tatyana Krestova (Chairman), Alan Abaev, Olga Antonova;

* recognized the activities of the Council of NP «Guild of Marketers» for the period from June 2020 to April 2021 as satisfactory;

* elected Igor Stanislavovich Berezin to the post of President of the NP «Guild of Marketers» for a period of 2 years;

* elected the Board of NP «Guild of Marketers» in the amount of 19 people;

• left unchanged the current amount of the entrance fee of 12,000 (twelve thousand) rubles;

* established the amount of the annual contribution of 8000 (eight thousand) rubles, starting from 01.07.2021.


On May 20 medals «For Contribution to Image, Science and Marketing»  named after Academician A. P.Pankrukhin were awarded. https://www.marketologi.ru/kommunikatsii/press-relizy/4829/

The first winners of the award, established by the Academy of Image Studies and the Guild of Marketers, were:

* Demidova Tatyana Viktorovna — the MU «Directorate of Sports».

* Kadyrov Azat Rifgatovich — First Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation.

* Sergey Germanovich Seirano — Rector of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture

* Natalia Vasilievna Masyagina — Rector of the Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism.

* Istyagina-Yeliseeva Elena Aleksandrovna — Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «State Museum of Sports

• Vadim Borisovich Shumilov — Executive Director of the ROO «Olympic Council of the City of Moscow».

* Sergey Yuryevich Zhitenev — President of the International Tourism Academy

* Elena Anatolievna Boitsova — The first Director of the Legal department of SOCHI-2014, Chairman of the Moscow Bar Association «Center for Legal Expertise».


The Guild of Marketers named the best books on marketing in 2020


3rd place-The StoryBrand method: Tell us about your brand so that people fall in love with it. Donald Miller-Alpina Publisher, 2020.

2nd place-Data: visualize, tell, use. Cole Nassbaumer Naflik-MYTH, 2020.

1st place-Price management. Strategy, analysis, solution and implementation. Herman Simon, Martin Fassnacht, edited by V. Nikishkin, Byblos Publishing House, 2020.

The diplomas of the Guild Council were awarded to the textbooks:

Marketing: creating and communicating consumer value. Textbook under the general editorship of I. I. Skorobogatykh, R. R. Sidorchuk, S. N. Andreev-INFRA-M, 2020.

Sales management: a textbook for bachelors / edited by V. V. Panyukova and O. N. Zhiltsova. — Moscow: Center Catalog, 2020

Digital Marketing: A textbook for bachelors / edited by O. N. Zhiltsova. — M.: Tsentrkatalog, 2020.

Marketing communications: A textbook for bachelors / edited by O. N. Zhiltsova. — M.: Center catalog, 2020



On May 24, the Marketing Guild celebrated its 20th anniversary!


About 50 members and friends of the Guild of Marketers gathered in the Moscow club «Petrovich» in order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the receipt of the Certificate of Registration of a Non-Profit Partnership in a solemn and friendly atmosphere.


Oleg Gvozdik was awarded the Order  «For Merits in Marketing»


For his contribution to the development of marketing in Russia, participation in the formation and implementation of modern retail formats, as well as in connection with the 60th anniversary, the Executive director of the Guild of Marketers Oleg Gvozdik was awarded the Order of Merit in Marketing by the decision of the Partnership Board. The award was presented on May 24 at the Petrovich Club at a solemn meeting dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Marketing Guild.


Igor Berezin was awarded the medal of the Academy of Image Studies «For perfection»


On behalf of the Academy's Presidium Elena Petrova, President of the Academy of Image Studies presented the President of the Guild of Marketers Igor Berezin with the medal «For Excellence». The award was presented on May 24 at the Petrovich Club at a solemn meeting dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Marketing Guild. In his response, Igor Berezin noted that he perceives this public award not only as a recognition of his personal contribution, but also as a general award celebrating the merits of the entire Guild Board and the entire Partnership.


On May 26 and 27, the Silver Mercury XXI Award Ceremony was held

26 и 27 мая состоялась Церемония награждения победителей Silver Mercury XXI

There were more than 1000 guests! We are glad that you were with us on this day, but if you could not be physically present, we have prepared for you the opportunity to go back a few days and enjoy with us!


The best communication projects of the fuel and energy sector and industry received the «contextA» awards

 Лучшие коммуникационные проекты ТЭК и промышленности получили награды «КонТЭКста»

The Guild of Marketers supported the «Context» award — a unique competition of communication projects of fuel and energy companies and industry. At the end of May, the best communication projects, journalists and experts of the fuel and energy complex and energy engineering were named at the solemn twelfth ceremony of awarding the winners of 2021. The main topic of the 12th Context Prize in the year of the 60th anniversary of the conquest of space was the theme of space achievements in the development of communications. This year, an unprecedented number of projects were submitted – more than 150.


The Guild of Marketers updates the Professional standard!

 Гильдия Маркетологов актуализирует Профессиональный стандарт!

On June 10, 2021, the next meeting of the Council for Professional Qualifications of the Financial Market (SPKFR) was held, in collaboration with which the NP «Guild of Marketers» created a Professional Standard from the Project to its modern implementation. Now the work is carried on creating a Set of Evaluation tools (KOs) for conducting an independent assessment of the qualifications (NOC) of marketing specialists.

Congratulations to the Doctor of Economics, Professor. Svetlana Karpova with the receipt of an Expert Certificate for conducting an independent qualification assessment!


The Higher Attestation Commission recognized » Marketing «as a separate direction within the scientific specialty „Regional and Sectoral Economics“.

 ВАК признал «маркетинг» отдельным направлением в рамках научной специальности „Региональная и отраслевая экономика“.

The decision adopted by the Higher Attestation Commission in June 2021 was largely facilitated by the materials and resolution of the International Scientific and Practical Symposium «Aiming at Marketing», held with the active participation of the Guild of Marketers in April 2021 in St. Petersburg. We would like to thank all the participants of the symposium and the co-authors of the resolution, as well as the personal ideological inspirer and organizer, Prof. Bagiev George Leonidovich!


A Large Dictionary Of Marketing Terms by Alexander Pankrukhin has been Published

Вышел Большой Толковый Словарь Александра Панкрухина — МАРКЕТИНГ

At the end of a large thorough and painstaking two-year work, an updated Large Dictionary of Marketing Terms by Alexander Pankrukhin was published in the publishing house «Dashkov and Co». Congratulations to everyone on this significant and long-awaited event! Friends, colleagues, students and associates of Alexander Pavlovich — the most authoritative domestic marketers took part in the creation of the dictionary. Taking into account the theory of the academic school and the practice of real business, the trends of the time» Marketing»- the large dictionary of terms by Alexander Pankrukhin» includes more than 150 terms on more than 500 pages.



A book by a member of the Guild Olga Podgornaya «A business idea out of competition» has been published.


The book is about creative thinking in marketing, where the main postulate remains an ideal understanding of the consumer. How could one combine two approaches in marketing: market analysis and creative thinking? Actually, the book is about it. The author offers some creative and analytical technologies providing the birth of new ideas, and what is most important — demanded products.


Our library has been replenished with two new cases

Case No. 61 «Creative solutions in the marketing of a medical product» (Irina Nazarova)

Case No. 60 «The way to present a medical product at virtual conferences and get leads» (Irina Nazarova)

Кейс №61 «Креативные решения при маркетинге медицинского продукта» (Назарова Ирина)

Кейс №60 «Как представить медицинский продукт на виртуальных конференциях и получить лиды»  (Назарова Ирина)


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Гильдия Маркетологов награждает Отличительным орденским знаком «За заслуги в маркетинге» за высокий уровень профессионализма в сфере маркетинга, признанный Гильдией Маркетологов.
Александр Панкрухин
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