Kiselev, V.M., Prof., Dr.
Mikka, A.V., The post-graduate student
Reference: Kiselev, V.M. Resource analysis and quality issues of bottled potable water/ V.M. Kiselev, A.V. Mikka// Current trends in commodity science: 10th International Commodity Science Conference. IGWT Symposium Series.- Poznań University of Economics; Polish Commodity Science Society, Poznań, Poland, 17th – 18th September 2009
Ancient people used to say: «Water was meant to become the juice of life on the Earth.» Water is quite unique. It possesses such qualities as structure, energy, memory and other properties that can be hardly understood. What we habitually call pure water is usually not pure water at all, especially if we talk about potable water. Nothing else but high quality of potable water (not only chemical, but physical, informational and bioenergetic, as well) can help people keep their health in good standing. The words of the 20-th century prophet, V. Vernadskiy, the Member of the National Academy of Science, come to mind: „There is no other compound which could be compared to water as for its impact on the main and most significant biological processes. There is no biological substance, mineral, earth material or living body that does not contain water.“
Water has memory, i.e. due to its structure it is capable of storing any information that exists in nature. The phenomenon of water structural memory which was first experimentally proven by Japanese scientists, allows water to absorb, keep and exchange with the environment any information carried by the light, sound, any physical field, a human thought and word. All these can be retained by the structural memory of water.
Tap water, ground water and filtered water have ecological or homeopathic (informational) memory. It means that no filter is able to «erase» or eliminate the memory that was acquired by water in rivers, lakes, pipes or underground. Even filtered water can „remember“ the presence of eliminated poisonous extraneous substances and, in essence, remains „contaminated“. It is necessary to change (renew) water’s molecular structure and its memory, in order to give it new biological properties beneficial to human health as well as to the growth and development of plants and animals’ productivity. Only the change in water structure and its phase state, i.e. evaporation – condensation or freezing — thawing, is capable of bringing water „back to life“ and eliminating ecological memory accumulated by water. Everyone heard of positive characteristics of thaw water „born“ from ice. And as for dew condensed on cooled grass, it has always been a symbol of purity and health.
The results of research show that potable water filled with extraneous substances differs essentially from the structure of water contained in human body and can be hardly held by biomolecules. By drinking plain clean water people systematically destroy their internal structures. As a result their body has to use a lot more biological energy in order to process such water and make its structure more homogeneous, which is common for fluid mediums of a human body. In order to help the body to spend less energy on water structure processing and to store more bioenergy that can be used for other purposes necessary for normal vital activity, one should drink purified potable water the structure of which is very close to the structure of ice – energy micro group with hexagonally shaped structure that provides information exchange among cells. Such water is called «living water», it is very similar to the water contained in human body cells.
Any external factors, including interaction between people, change the structure and biochemical composition of body liquid mediums on the cell level primarily through water. Therefore, undue fatigability, bad moods, motiveless aggression, nervousness, imbalance of vegetative nervous system, many disorders originating from the bio field or bio informational level can be regarded as the evidence of informational nature of water, and especially the water contained in a human body. Therefore, it is quite important for people to watch what they say and to remember that being a source of information human words can have an effect on everything they come in contact with. A person bearing negative thoughts is capable of poisoning anything that contains even a little bit of water.
According to many scientists in planetary terms these informational characteristics of water are directly related to storms, hurricanes, floods and other natural calamities. This is the reaction of water to the overall information of environment pollution. Water is able to return all the information it had accumulated from the external environment. Constant negative behavioral patterns, wars and conflicts, even if it is a mere movie, radio program or a TV show, contaminate external environment.
Even though molecular formula of Н2О never changes, the structure and physicochemical characteristics of water contained in living systems significantly differ from the properties of water that we drink on the daily basis. The fact that water inside animal or plant cells does not freeze at negative 50°С can serve as a prime example (it will be discussed in greater detail in the following paragraphs of this article).
The most important characteristic of water is its extraordinarily high sensitivity to various physico-chemical and energy-informational impacts due to the existence of low-energy hydrogen bonds which are able to rearrange under the influence of various external factors and which also do not require high energy inputs.
Thus, it can be stated that any influence exerted on water can directly affect all living systems and a human body in particular. For many centuries these effects have been applied in occult, psychic and magical methods, such as treatment of various medical conditions by means of «charged» water, treatment of alcohol addiction, hexing, love spells, etc.
Determination of the reality of such phenomena is of particular interest: What is their mechanism? Are they related to water structure and properties? Can water and water systems be affected by electromagnetic fields and other external factors not connected to the change of chemical composition of water and water solutions?
Besides, the problem of chemical water quality, i.e. determination of presence of various extraneous substances in water composition that can be either harmful or wholesome for a human body, a search for improved methods of water purification and definition of the connection between chemical and energy-informational contamination is still rather topical.
Potable tap water is polluted with pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. There is a rated value of all these substances that can not be exceeded. All the agents used for biological and chemical purification of water should be eliminated from water composition by water suppliers whenever possible.
Even though these chemicals filter off, their traces (information) remain and exert negative influence on a human body, which makes it clear that a water filter by itself is not sufficient because it can only remove harmful solid chemicals, but not the negative information that is stored in water macromolecules.
According to Fig. 1 water molecules have very simple chemical/physical structure. The sides of hydrogen atom’s angle are positioned at an angle of 104.7° relative to each other.
This flat angle is formed as a result of mutual repulsion of two positively charged hydrogen atoms. It is referred to a so called dipolar moment from whence water acquires diamagnetic characteristics (displacement from the magnetic field). Electrons’ shell rotates about magnet-like lines depending on the temperature. The colder the water, the more magnetization occurs as compared to thermal molecular motion.
Oxygen atom in the water has higher electron electronegativeness than hydrogen, and, therefore, attracts binding electrons. As a result, the center of gravity of binding between the two is closer to the oxygen atom. Due to this attraction oxygen acquires a light negative charge, and hydrogen, on the contrary, a positive charge. As a result, dipole occurs, even though the atom from the outside remains electrically neutral. Thus, according to Fig. 2, a hydrogen binding takes place, because the neighbor hydrogen atom is bound to the oxygen atom, as a result of which clusters consisting of 300-400 atoms are formed. This is how water acquires properties that contradict the theory.
Water also stores «genetic memory» because the information related to the previous impacts, including water purification or treatment processes, remains within structural dynamic parameters (having specific biological activity) of the aquatic medium.
Water with a high level of structural dynamic parameters can be regarded as purified (thaw water type).
Peculiarities of physical properties of water and multiple short-lived hydrogen bindings between neighbor hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water molecule create favorable conditions for the occurrence of special associate structures (clusters) that can absorb, store and convey different information (Fig. 3). Homeopathy, which has two hundred years of experience and presently goes through a new stage of development, is also based on this characteristic of water.
Water consisting of many different cluster types creates a hierarchic three-dimensional liquid-crystal structure which can absorb and store large volumes of information.
Physical fields of various nature can serve as information carrying agents. Thus, a possibility of distant informational interaction of liquid-crystal water structure with other objects of different nature by means of electromagnetic, acoustic and other fields has been determined. A human being may be an affecting object as well.
The structure unit of water is a cluster, the nature of which is conditioned by distant electrostatic force. The information concerning any previous interaction with water molecules is encoded within cluster structure. Due to the interaction between covalent and hydrogen bindings within oxygen and hydrogen atoms, proton (H+) migration may occur via a relay mechanism thus, causing delocalization of proton within a cluster.
Water is a source of superweak and weak alternate electromagnetic emission. The least chaotic electromagnetic emission can be produced by structured water. In this case induction of the respective electromagnetic field which is able to change structure-informational characteristics of biological objects may occur.
According to Fig.4 any system where the order level is higher than the acceptable minimum of 60%, starts autoregulatory support of ordered interaction. The higher the content of clusters in the water, the more capable it is of reproducing itself, which can be observed within living systems. This goes to prove that human body water can play a backbone role, on the one hand, and a regulatory role, on the other hand.
In this regard the concept of a two-component system of neogenesis where the algorithm of restoration occurs at the structured water level seems to be particularly interesting.
The role of water forming part of biological fluids (blood, lymph, spinal fluid, etc.) has yet to be covered in modern literature, but its significance as the informational factor is immense and requires further understanding. According to some scientists any electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, ultrasound or electrochemical influence exerted on water can be explained in terms of virtual pair energization of electron-positron elementary particles.
Spring water can be soft or mineralized. In the first case spring-wells and wells are implied, in the second case – mineral water springs.
Such term as «natural spring water» means that the content of minerals in this water has not undergone any physical or chemical changes, though it can be filtered or processed in any other way.
A spring or a wellspring is a minor stream water originating directly from earth interior. Springs are unique natural reservoirs or sources of subsurface and ground water discharge. They are very important for other surface reservoir recharge, water balance support, and maintenance of the surrounding biocenosis. Some Russian rivers and water bodies are generated by such subsurface water springs. Their recharge occurs on the level of deeper water layers (below 10-20 m), where no surface pollution agents can permeate. The condition of subsurface waters in a region can be estimated by hydrochemical characteristics of spring water. In this case spring water must be taken from the place where it originates.
Springs are natural strategic targets. In case of emergency situation they might be the only source of potable water for the population.
Many legends and customs of local people are connected to water springs. Water from some springs is thought to be holy and healing. Locals often use it for the treatment of various ailments. Chapels were built around some springs. Now they are regarded as national historic and cultural sites.
People find spring water in its primeval natural hydrochemical composition. Besides, it is alive and mobile. Spring water from environmentally compatible reservoir does not require any purification whatsoever: originating from the earth interior and reaching the surface it travels through sand and gravel thus undergoing a natural ideal purification process.
It is considered that spring water possesses healing qualities and therefore, most people give their preference to spring water.
Unlike spring water, all other kinds of water require thorough purification by means of various technologies (such as adsorption, reversed osmose, ion exchange resins) that change physical and chemical composition and natural structure of water. It is necessary because elevated concentration of different substances in the source water requires significant transformation in order for the water to meet all the sanitary regulations and norms for potable water.
The nature of spring water is similar to that of well or artesian water because it originates from the underground water-bearing formation or reservoir. In order to comply with the term «spring water» it should reach the surface by means of natural forces.
Spring and mineral bottled water has become very popular in large cities. Sales volumes of such water have increased drastically in the last few years. Springs and wells from which such water comes from should be located far from underground utility lines, dumps and other sources of contamination. Chemical composition of water must be regularly controlled by sanitary services. If any water is labeled as spring water, the geographical location of the spring must be indicated on the label.
Spring water intake is the best choice nowadays. Naturally pure spring water that is physically and chemically balanced gives its energy to those who drink it.
It is healthful to drink spring water because:
— due to natural filtering it keeps all its natural qualities, structure and properties;
— it is not decontaminated by chloride, not ozonized, or exposed to any other physical or chemical impact, it doesn’t contain any additional microelements or various supplements;
— it contains a lot of oxygen;
— it is «living» and does not have to be boiled.
Disadvantages of spring water:
— one can drink water only from environmentally compatible water springs and must stay updated on the test results performed by Hygienic and Epidemiological Center. Since such information is not commonly disclosed by the mass media people keep drinking water from the springs that are declared dangerous;
— many springs are located far from populated places or can be hardly reached if located in ravines or lowlands. It means that they can not be approached by car;
— some springs hardly trickle and it takes a very long time to fill up water tanks;
— spring water can not be stored longer than a week because it loses its organoleptic qualities.
The number of springs in the territory of Russia is hard to count. All springs differ by quality and structure of their water. Spring water possesses medicinal value and healing properties. It is fresh and tasteful. However, springs just like artesian wells are subject to pollution. Presently, it is impossible to guarantee consistent quality of spring water, as it depends not only on seasonal circumstances (downpours, flood water, ground water), but also on emissions of the nearby industrial enterprises.
Much depends on the location of the spring itself. It is difficult to imagine a pure and clean spring in the center of the city with poor ecology and urban air pollution. General sanitary and hygienic parameters of spring off-flow within city limits are not acceptable for drinking purposes. Therefore, high quality spring water may only be found in springs located in forests, parks and woods – away from industrial facilities, farming operations, highways or large settlements. Only such spring water is good for drinking and provides health benefits.
As early as 30 – 40 years ago springs used to be quite pure and «drinkable». However, with the beginning of massive construction the soil was contaminated, which lead to water contamination as well.
Besides springs, usual fresh water can be produced from wells and artesian wells. Wells are usually used only in the countryside. Since 5-10 m depth bore pit is not capable of providing a large discharge of water, wells should be drilled up to 20-150 m, depending on the depth of occurrence of the subsurface water. Wells are being fed by the ground water and can adequately provide only 100-150 l/h of the total water consumption requirement (in rare instances – up to 500 l/h). They are very vulnerable from the point of view of pollution: everything, that gets into the soil (nitrates, nitrites, or surface active agents, pesticides and heavy metals) may effect the quality of well water.
Deep water is better protected from the industrial and bacterial pollution. Drilling of such deep wells is done with the help of special equipment. Upon completion of drilling a steel pipe is placed into the hole with a submersible pump and water pipeline. There are two water-bearing horizons. The first one is a sand body which occurs at 15 40 m depth. It is separated from the top soil layer by argillaceous beds, thus, protecting it from pollution. The second one occurs at 30-230 m depth. It consists of calciferous water-bearing bed, which is also called artesian.
Composition of artesian water depends on its depth. Such water can be characterized by increased hardness and may to contain bacteria and organic substances. Besides, due to the poor connection of pipes inside of the well, artesian water may become polluted by impurities which seep through from the overlaying water-bearing beds. Such water usually has to be filtered and treated, which can be done with the help of industrial or household water treatment plants.
People noted a long time ago that both snow melt water and glacial water possess healing properties. Later on, scientists were able to explain this phenomenon: thawed water, as compared to the usual water, has less impurities, including isotopic molecules where hydrogen atom is replaced with a heavy isotope — deuterium.
Snow melt water is considered the best natural remedy that can be used to boost physical activity of the body especially after winter hibernation. Countryside people noted that animals like to drink this water. As soon as snow starts to melt on the fields, livestock begins to drink melt-water from puddles. In polar areas when natural freezing of the sea water occurs, the ice can serve as a source of fresh water if the icefields or icebergs can be drifted or towed to much warmer climatic zones. Fresh water can be produced during melting of ice and separation of the thawed water from the sea water. Thus, fresh water production cost will equal the price of towage.
The technique of melt water production is based on various freezing velocities of fresh water vs. water contaminated by impurities. Meltwater can also be produced in freezers by varying water volume and freezing time (usually 10-12 hours). This process results in a two-component system, consisting of ice (actually frozen water without any impurities) and liquid unfrozen water-salt solution under the ice, containing salt and impurities, which will later be removed. Water –salt solution is poured into a sink and ice is thawed out.
As early as in ancient India both silver and gold were used for water disinfection, while Persian king Cyrus stored his water in silver vessels. Anti-bacterial properties of silver have been known from the ancient times and were later proved by the scientific research.
A French doctor Crede B. has been a research pioneer in this area. At the end of the XIX-th century he announced of his success in treating sepsis with silver ions. Having continued his study, he discovered that within three days silver will kill diphtheria bacillus, within two days it will destroy staphylococcus, while causative agent of typhus will die within a day.
In this case, positive silver ions Ag+ play a crucial part. Ionization of silver increases the activity in water solutions. Silver cations suppress ferment activity, which provides oxygen circulation for protozoon microorganisms, pathogenic bacteria, virus and fungus (over 700 types of pathogenic flora and fauna). The speed of bacteria elimination depends on the concentration of silver ions in the solution. Thus, Escherichia coli will die in 3 minutes in concentration of 1 mg/l, in 20 minutes— at 0.5 mg/l, in 50 min — at 0.2 mg/l, in 2 hours — at 0.05 mg/l. At the same time, anti-bacterial properties of silver are significantly higher than that of phenylic acid, mercuric chloride, as well as strong oxidizers like chlorine, lime chloride, or sodium hypochloride. However, due to the high cost, water treatment plants usually use chlorine treatment, fluoridization or a more up-to-date method involving ozone treatment, rather than electrolytic saturation of water with silver ions.
Silver is an important micro-element which is necessary for the function of endocrine glands, brain and liver. It is not simple to prepare silver water at home. Just storing water in silver vessels will produce a rather insignificant effect. Silver water is produced in special electrical equipment — ionizers. It can also be produced with the help of special water treatment and water disinfection units.
However, silver is a heavy metal, and silver saturated solutions are not good for humans: maximum allowed concentration of silver is 0.05 mg/l. Consumptions of just 2 grams of silver salt causes toxic poisoning, while a 10 gram dose will likely be fatal. Besides, if the maximum allowed dose is habitually exceeded over a period of several months, the metal will accumulate in human body.